School Years

Topics related to parents and children in K-12th grade

As I dropped my oldest daughter off for her first day of Kindergarten, I lingered at the door, intentionally choosing the words I wanted to leave with her on such a big day. I hugged her and left her...
As a mom of four boys, I am often worried about keeping my kids safe. My days are filled with the sounds of "Mom, watch this!" and "I didn't do it!" I often feel like a referee breaking up...
When I stopped working on my master's degree a million years ago (okay, eight years ago...feels like the same thing when you factor in three kids), it was because I was in my first trimester with my first child...
So I never like to talk about my son’s experience like I'm the expert, since every situation is so different, every child is different. But I wanted to share, since so many moms (silently) go through very similar situations...
If you've driven down the Dallas North Tollway, you might have noticed a quaint "little" school located near Trinity Mills Road in Addison. If you've ever been curious about this growing campus, this spring is the time to discover...
I was fortunate to begin 2019 with an amazing yoga class led by my dear friend. She challenged us to find our "sankalpa", our truth to live by for the year. She even provided two cards and an envelope...
My youngest son and I recently toured Lionheart Children’s Academy in Plano. We did not know what to expect when we pulled up to Life Central Church and walked inside. My littlest guy is 3.5 years old. So, we...
{WHO} are the main consumers of pornography? While this might be shocking, among the most frequent consumers of pornography are males between the ages of 12 and 17. I’m sure you’re sitting there, like I once was, thinking NOT my...



AROUND Collin County

Save the Date: May Kid-Friendly Events in Collin County

Looking for fun things to do with kids this month? Have a look at our round-up of family-friendly May events in Plano, Frisco, McKinney, and more.