
Information about babies, baby gear, and having babies in Collin County.

Why is my 3 year old so whiny? That magical age between three and four years old, when they’re not a toddler but not yet an independent kiddo—you know what I’m talking about. Their voices are almost different. As we...
It’s stressful to travel with your baby. Full stop. But believe it or not, it can be just as stressful travelling without your baby, especially if you're a breastfeeding mama. I breastfed my first two littles while having to travel...
Breastfeeding ain't easy, y'all. From hormone swings to cracked nipples to engorged breasts to clogged ducts to tongue ties to reflux to intolerances...there is no limit to how torturous the process can be. (For the record, it's also wonderful, and convenient, and...
National Breastfeeding Week is August 1-7. It’s a time for women all over the nation to celebrate the benefits of breastfeeding, honor their sacrifices to do so, and ensure that breastfeeding mothers have the support they need. The week...
I became a new mom seven years ago, and still remember the first few weeks of adjusting to our new normal as parents of a newborn. It was almost like the TV show, Survivor: the mind games, the shifting...
Let me preface this post by saying that I know traditional sleep training is not for everyone. You do what is right for your baby and your family. This article and Newborn Nightingales is about way more than "sleep...
I often wonder what it would have been like to enjoy the first few months of my third baby's life. Sure, there were cute and wonderful moments we experienced together, but I really struggled. I had a very colicky...
Let's be honest. Babies are expensive. They require stuff. And their stuff adds up quickly. It's one of the reasons I'm on the hunt for second-hand baby clothes with baby number two on the way. We have most of the...



AROUND Collin County

Save the Date: May Kid-Friendly Events in Collin County

Looking for fun things to do with kids this month? Have a look at our round-up of family-friendly May events in Plano, Frisco, McKinney, and more.