4 Ways To Improve Your Sleep Right Now

According to the National Sleep Foundation annual ‘Sleep in America’ poll, “…results show that many Americans are not getting bright light exposure during the day and are looking at screens around bedtime. In addition, many fall short of recommendations for exercise and take meals at inconsistent times.” All of this contributes to low-quality sleep.

I don’t know about you, but I could definitely benefit from better sleep. We are bombarded daily with personal and external conditions that pull on us, and by the end of the day, we are exhausted and depleted. A night of good quality sleep is crucial for mental and physical health, now more than ever.

mom sleeping, sleep tips for parents4 Ways to Improve Your Sleep

Track Your Sleep

You can definitely feel like you need a few more zzz’s, but numbers don’t lie. Get the data. Track your sleep for a month and see if you can identify any patterns. Are you going to bed earlier when there are fewer evening activities? Does the weather or change of season affect the way you sleep? The answers to these questions and more can be found in the numbers that you track. Put your smartphone to work and utilize their sleep tracking systems, download a sleep tracking app, or keep a notepad and pen by your bedside and write down the time you go to bed and the time you wake.

Go To Bed 15 Minutes Earlier

So, you’ve been tracking your sleep and see that while you’ve been surviving on five hours of sleep, you know you would be thriving if you got seven hours. Developing a new sleep habit, like any habit, can be daunting, so start small. Pick a time that you want to go to bed, and then start moving toward that bedtime in 15-minute increments. For example: You normally go to bed at 11pm. Try going to bed at 10:45pm for a week and see how that feels. If that worked, then add another 15 minutes. Now you’re in bed by 10:30pm. Keep doing this until you reach your bedtime goal. Meaningful, small, consistent steps over time create a lasting habit.

Give Your Bedroom a Mini-Makeover

Your bedroom could actually be hindering you from getting better sleep. The sleep experts tell us that a cool, dark room is best for quality sleep. Do a quick scan of your room and assess if there is anything that you can change. A mini-makeover to optimize your bedroom for the best sleep possible can be as expensive or as inexpensive as your budget allows. If you’re unable to replace your mattress at the moment, maybe you can swing for some new bedsheets and linens. Blackout curtains may be easier to install than blackout blinds. Make a plan with your partner to turn off all electronics at least an hour before bed. There are so many creative ideas out there to help optimize your bedroom for better sleep.

mom in bed with a sleep mask on, sleep tips for parents

Invest In a Sleep Routine

A good routine is your bestie! As moms, we know how vital a routine is to make every day run smoothly. Establishing a routine for your sleep is just as vital. A sleep routine can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. Do you! A great routine starts with both your “why” and the end in mind. Why are you establishing a sleep routine? What is your end goal? Then work backwards from there.

I am obsessed with my sleep routine. On evenings I don’t do my routine, I don’t sleep as well as I normally do. Because I don’t want to add yet another thing I need to remember, a routine app like Routinery saves me so much brainpower. I set my routine and don’t think about it until I get a notification that tells me it’s time for my sleep routine.

My Sleep Routine Aids

In my sleep routine, I incorporate a few sleep aids that help my body get ready for the best sleep ever.

Now, there are many instances where all of the above is not enough, and you may need to take the next step and find a sleep doctor. A sleep doctor will be able to determine whether your lack of quality sleep is because of a sleep disorder. Once a sleep disorder is diagnosed, your sleep doctor will work with you to come up with a treatment plan/medication that is the right fit for you.

Whichever route you choose to take, we all deserve better and quality sleep in 2022 and beyond. Taking the time now to look into why you aren’t getting better sleep will pay off in the long run. You deserve the best sleep possible. Your body and mind will thank you.

Alexis Maycock
Alexis is a local writer, project manager, and DEIJ advocate. She and her family reside in North Texas. An active PTA member and Booster member at her daughter’s high school, Alexis loves to stay involved in her local community. When she is not writing and spending time with her family. You can find her discovering new local restaurants and frequenting local bookstores. She also enjoys a hot cup of coffee, a classic novel, a glass of wine, and some charcuterie!