It’s amazing how hungry a child can be in the summer. If your house is like mine, the pantry runs similar to a 24/7 vending machine. A child goes in, snacks upon snacks come out. It can be exhausting...
Growing up, I loved my local library. They had a miniature Stuart Little on a motorcycle that they would move about the building, and I’d run all over to find him. It was also there that I met with...
When I was pregnant with my firstborn, one of the things that I was most excited about was putting him in a Moses basket. There was something so fun about being able to lay a tiny newborn in a...
I'm always on the hunt for binge-worthy shows. For me, TV is an escape after the kids go to bed and I get some "me" time. It’s been a year, hasn’t it? Between virtual school and in-person learning, working from...
School’s out for summer, which means that those Texas temperatures are rising. I know from personal experience that getting caught with a busted air conditioner in the middle of the summer heat is far from ideal (and also super...
Have you been searching for the perfect Father’s Day gift? For one reason or another, I always have trouble finding gifts for the dads in my life. This year, I asked my friends and family members what their favorite...
Sister Alice knew us well. We were not troublemakers, exactly. But she could sense enough that our inseparable nature meant trouble for her. From the moment we met, we clung to one another, like we were safely home. We...
I'd say a fair assumption is that the majority of people have a variation of "read more" on their New Year's resolutions list. Less TV, more books! Books are for smart, well-rounded citizens of the world. Just having more...



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