Turns out, the theme for this month is art festivals. If you like your kettle corn and gyros with a side of art and music, then you're in luck! We've also got lots of other outdoor kid- and family-friendly...
Like so many things in 2020, the cherished tradition of shopping the 'Neath the Wreath holiday gift market is going virtual. This year, the Junior League of Collin County's annual fundraiser is inviting shoppers to support and shop "Home...
Texas summer is upon us, and as a mom of young kids I try to find as many AC-friendly activities as possible. As a mom of two young boys, dinosaurs are a big deal in our house. So when...
December has just begun and it feels like we're already head over heels in gift wrap and glitter. While it can be hard to get wrapped up in the excitement of the season and traditions, it's important to remember...
In stark contrast to the longest January of Januaries there ever was, February is FLYING BY. It is more than half over, and these teaser 72-degrees-and-sunny days give me nothing but SPRING FEVER. In two shakes of a lamb’s...
Collin County Moms Blog has partnered with Tupps Brewery on this event. All opinions are 100% our own.  A few weeks ago, our contributor Meredith wrote a wonderful post that left us feeling inspired – 4 Tips on Making Mom Friends. In her post,...
It's June! Congratulations on getting through the school year, mama. Raise a glass! And let's raise another one to a summer filled with new experiences and the smells of sunscreen, chlorine, and kid sweat. And then let's raise one more...
We spend so much of our time planning parties for our little ones; which I have definitely enjoyed over the past two years. But listen. After all the blood, sweat and tears we put into this thing called parenting, Mommy...



AROUND Collin County

Save the Date: May Kid-Friendly Events in Collin County

Looking for fun things to do with kids this month? Have a look at our round-up of family-friendly May events in Plano, Frisco, McKinney, and more.