Accepting My Mom Bod

I used to be skinny; I used to be fit. I used to work out. I used to eat whatever I wanted and didn’t have to worry about counting calories or gaining weight. I used to be active.

But the past is the past. I have accepted who I am now. I am a mom of two beautiful children. I will never be the same size or weight as I was before. I accept my mom bod. I am a beautiful strong mom and my body is my badge of honor. I earned this body through two pregnancies: natural birth and C-section. This body is mine.

After the birth of my second child, I promised myself that I would get back to my pre-baby weight. The weight I was BEFORE I had kids. I was going to eat right, exercise, lose the weight, and feel good about myself again. Seven months later, I’m only doing half of what I told myself I’d do. I’m eating healthy and did lose a little bit of weight, but the exercise hasn’t happened yet.

Like all moms, I’m too tired to exercise. There are too many other things to do as a mom and, to be honest, I’m too tired to exercise and not motivated enough to try anymore. Don’t worry, I do get my daily exercise in: I chase a wild three-year-old and an almost mobile seven-month-old around the house everyday. At the end of the day, this mom bod is too tired to run on a treadmill or lift weights. My mom bod craves rest, sleep, and down time. I recharge in my own way and that’s not through exercise. Everyone has their own way to reenergize their bodies whether it’s with exercise, naps, watching TV, or eating ice cream, our bodies all need different things.

I have accepted who I am in life and how my body has adapted to that. Moms come in all different shapes and sizes. We should be able to eat that last slice of cake, ice cream sundaes with our kids, and that glass of wine at the end of a long day. We nurture and support our families everyday so we shouldn’t feel guilty about indulging in whatever way we want.

My mom bod will wear a two-piece bathing suit to the pool. My mom bod will embrace clothes no matter what size I am. My mom bod will be an example to my children of what a healthy and happy mama looks like. My mom bod is beautiful, curvy, wrinkly, and covered with beautiful memories from my babies.

Ashley Chan
Ashley was born and raised in North Texas and settled down in Frisco. She met her husband while playing intramural basketball at UNT. Ashley taught pre-k and then was a trainer for a technology company until having her two sweet boys. She loves cooking, going for walks with the whole family, and exploring new restaurants all over DFW. She's a hardcore Disney lover and loves to explore and travel with her family.