10 Sustainability Hacks for Moms

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A canvas tote filled with glass bottles.As moms our number one concern is the future for our children. We want to leave our Earth in good shape for them and future generations.

While some sustainable choices, like cloth diapers, may seem overwhelming, here are some hacks for moms that can be easily implemented into your family’s routine.

>> RELATED READ :: 5 Ways to Teach Kids to Recycle <<
  1. Donate books you’ve read. These can be books your children have outgrown or are tired of reading. Check out one the many Little Free Libraries in Collin County. Other adults and children can read them and then return.
  2. Do something drastic; cut the plastic! Use glass when you would regularly use plastic. It doesn’t stain and therefore is more likely to actually be recycled as opposed to plastic.
  3. Schedule routing pick-ups. Have a monthly or weekly recycling curbside pick up, such as Change Recycling in Collin County.
  4. Switch to online banking and auto draft payment for bills. This simple act reduces mailed paper waste.
  5. Buy in bulk rather than snack size options. Buying a full size bag of chips, for instance, and dividing them into Bentgo boxes rather than buying individual snack bags saves on trash waste. Typically the larger sized items are less expensive too. It is a win win.
  6. Use compostable or biodegradable bags. You can use the bags for dirty diapers, bagging cat litter, bringing home wet swim suits, and even picking up dog poop! Best of all, Amazon will auto renew them, so you don’t run out!stock sustainability photo
  7. When you can, buy used. We have several children’s clothing consignment stores here in Collin County: One Upon A Child, Just Between Friends, and Kid to Kid. Kids outgrow clothing quickly, so save yourself money and help reduce waste by buying used.
  8. Try reusable period products. According the National Organization of Women, the average woman spends $18,000 in her lifetime on period products. That’s a TON of money and wasted plastic in landfills. Opt instead for Thinx period panties or a menstrual cup. There are teen versions of both of those products.
  9. Get crafty, ya’ll. Our Barbie Dreamhouse is filled with homemade barbie furniture from leftover containers, paper towel rolls, and cut up boxes. Sew Crafty Me made this doll sized sofa from sponges and foam board:
  10. Ride the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART). My kids think it’s fun and it saves on parking costs at your destination, gas costs, as well as carbon emissions from our vehicles.

These sustainability hacks for moms is only the beginning! Any small part you can contribute to keeping our Earth green and helping your kids learn respect for our planet is worth it!

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Modern Mom has some great activities to help kids learn about sustainability and recycling. Sustainably Lazy is another good blog to further your reading and work towards being more environmentally friendly.

Remember — don’t throw it away, it can be used in some other way!

August Forbes
August is a transplant to McKinney from Asheville, North Carolina. She is a mother to four fearless, outspoken children. She and her husband, Matt, have been foster parents for the last seven years. Previously a high school teacher, August homeschools her children. Her passions are reading and traveling. She leads the Collin County Moms Book Club and recently spent three weeks camping throughout New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado with her kids. August is also a member of the Junior League of Collin County and a volunteer driver of Meals on Wheels of Collin County.