10 Tips to Help Kids Cope with Seasonal Allergies in North Texas

Disclaimer :: I am in no way a medical professional; this is solely my experience with allergies in our area. Please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns regarding your own health. 

A boy blows his nose into a tissue.I’m a mom who has been up late at night desperately trying to figure out how to help my asthmatic kiddo with rough seasonal allergies. Everyone is different, but here are some tips that help us. 

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, Texas takes two of the top 10 slots for worst cities to live in with seasonal allergies. On top of that, when you’re dealing with kids, it can be hard to tell the difference between allergies and illness.

So, what are some steps you can take to help kids cope with allergies in Texas? There are a lot of things we can do to support our kids through seasonal allergies.

1. Be Aware of What You Bring In

My kiddo brings in a lot of dirt, dust, and whatnot from playing outside — but my dog brings in the most. I try to wipe her down with a baby wipe every once in a while. During allergy season, I’ll give our dog more baths and wash the doormat frequently.

Adults can track in stuff, too! It’s a good idea to change your clothes often. Make sure you remove clothes away from your bed so you don’t shake pollen onto the sheets.  Check out more on this from Harvard Health Publishing about seasonal allergies.

2. Wipe Faces and Wash Hands

Wiping your face and washing your hands often are good habits, especially after lots of outdoor play or school. Keep lotion handy because cracked hands let in more allergens and germs.

I like to keep disposable face wipes by the door and sink so they’re easy to access. Also consider wearing a face mask when you’re doing yard work. 

3. Leave Shoes at the Door

This is another good habit to get into regardless of the season. Ikea has great boot trays for a reasonable price, or you can set shoes on a washable mat. This saves your from tracking germs and allergens around the house.

4. Mop and Sweep Regularly

Personally, I’m not the biggest fan of mopping and sweeping. Guilty! But with a hairy dog and dirty kids, it must be done — and done more frequently during allergy season. I clean especially well around doors and windows. 

5. Keep Track of Symptoms 

Oh my gracious, it is SO difficult to figure out if it’s pollen or sickness with kids’ allergies in Texas. One tip that helps me is to keep a notebook for each family member on the main shelf that I can pop open quickly and keep health notes. Children’s Health has a great article here on telling the difference between a cold and allergies. But this is by far the most frustrating thing for me with little ones. 

>> RELATED READ :: Surviving Allergy Season in Collin County << 

6. Don’t Forget the Ears

Did you know your ears are connected to your sinus cavities?! I didn’t! This is a great way to help with kids allergies in Texas. I wipe out my own ears and my kids ears after bath time. It has made a huge difference!

coping with kids allergies in texas

7. Use a Humidifier

Another thing I didn’t realize until I was an adult is how detrimental dry air can be. I really thought that wet air was a bad thing; wet air gives you a cold, right?! But humidifiers help SO much. Humidifiers keep your nose from drying out, allowing it to do it’s job and be less sensitive to allergens.

8. Boost Immune Support 

When you experience allergies, your immune system is in overdrive fighting off the irritants. Allergic reactions can really knock me down. Supporting the immune system not only helps minimize allergic reactions, but it also supports our bodies while struggling through those symptoms. If I get a little extra sleep, drink more water, am consistent with my vitamins, etc., my whole body responds better.

>> RELATED READ :: 6 Immunity-Boosting Foods to Keep You Healthy <<

9. Keep Medications Stocked

Personally, we use homeopathic, prescription, and over-the-counter solutions for seasonal allergies. Every person responds differently to each medication, so we track who does well with what. We can be struggling with the same allergy yet need to take different things. Figure out what works best for you and your kiddos, and keep it in the medicine cabinet.

10. Track Allergies and the Pollen

I use the Pollen.com allergy app, but there are a lot of app options out there to help you track outdoor allergens in your area. Knowing what kind of irritant is in the air can help you prepare.

Also, monitor allergy symptoms. You don’t have to record every cough every time it happens, but just a couple bullet points a day could help you find patterns when you’re talking about symptoms to a doctor.  

If it’s financially possible for you, specific allergy testing and getting your vents cleaned out can be really helping for attacking kids allergies in Texas. 

I’m rubbing red eyes as I write this, so I’m certainly not an expert. I’m still learning. What are your best tips and tricks for helping your kids (or yourself!) through allergy season?!

Sarah Spencer
Sarah was raised in Plano, took a detour in Oklahoma for college, and now lives in McKinney. She's a teacher and mom who believes that 10 three year olds are easier to handle than one. Sarah and her husband, Nathaniel, are foster and adoptive parents and advocates. Big fans of deep conversations, they run a blog that helps parents connect with their kids over entertainment. She likes to try DIY projects that are way over her head and experiment with different teas and chocolates while binge-watching great series. Follow Sarah at Down the Hobbit Hole Blog and follow on Facebook or Instagram for her movie and book guides for parents.