
Collin County Moms local business directory

Welcome to the Collin County Moms local business directory! This directory is added by and for Collin County area parents and businesses. It’s a one-stop shop to find the resources and services you need for your family.

Business owners, if you are interested in being part of this directory, featuring your directory listing, or interested in showcasing your business on our social platforms, please contact us via this linked form.


Welcome to TouchofTaz, your premier destination for expert skincare and hair removal services. Specializing in threading, facials, waxing, and Henna artistry, our licensed esthetician and skin care specialist are dedicated to enhancing your natural beauty with precision and care. Whether you’re seeking perfectly shaped brows, glowing skin, or captivating Henna designs, TouchofTaz is here to make your beauty dreams a reality. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the difference firsthand. Your journey to radiant skin, immaculate brows, and awsome henna designs starts here.

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In our center, we understand the profound impact of learning through play, and we’ve curated an environment that celebrates the beauty of messy play, sensory exploration, and hands-on learning. Messy play is not just a delightful chaos; it’s a gateway for children to explore materials, understand their properties, and engage their senses in a way that aligns perfectly with their developmental needs. From squishing clay to sorting stones, each activity is designed to repeat, experiment, and, most importantly, learn. Sensory play is a cornerstone of our approach. It’s a vital tool that connects ideas with concrete experiences, stimulates the brain, and develops fine and gross motor skills. Our monthly Sensory Enrichment program is a testament to this commitment. Open to children from birth to 6 years old, this hour-long adventure takes children and their caregivers through various sensory stations. With detailed instructions, developmental goals, and prompts, it’s an immersive experience that fosters not only sensory development but also bonds between caregivers and their little ones.

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