Hey, Momma! Another school year is starting for the kids. How do you feel? Excited? Nostalgic? Nervous? How about envious? If you’ve been thinking about going back to school – at any level – you may have all of...
One of the most overwhelming parts about being a new parent is all. the. stuff. You don't know what you don't know. You don't know what you need. And even if you have somehow curated a decent idea from blogs or family...
Count on America to kick off the holiday season by having kids fill pillowcases full of sugary candy. As my daughter is now two and "cookie" is one of her favorite words I'm all about finding ways to carefully...
Preparing for and celebrating the holiday season can be very exciting...and also very exhausting. When January and February roll around, the excitement of the holidays wears off, the weather gets dreary, and I always find myself feeling a little...
Hey, mom of a high school senior! Congratulations! You’ve made it to the last year of high school. Graduation is on the horizon. College, gap years, vocational programs, and full-time jobs are within reach. One of the hallmarks of senior...
Christmas is supposed to be a time of joy and cheer, but it's SO easy to let the pressure of gift giving add stress to the holiday season. The good news is, it truly doesn't have to be stressful....
Recently we went on a cross-country road trip with our twin four-year-olds. As we were preparing for the trip, many people asked me what I was going to have them do for 16 hours in the car. All of...
One of the benefits of becoming so Zoom-oriented is realizing that we can connect more often with friends and family who live far away. Need to social distance this holiday season? Just can't make it out to see people?...



AROUND Collin County

2024 Guide to VBS in Collin County

We're always on the lookout for things to do with kids during summer break. How about some affordable VBS?