As the thought of having a child became more of a reality, I started paying closer attention to the families I saw around me - restaurants, grocery stores, my own friends. Then the mental lists began. When I have a...
Every day there's food to be prepared, diapers to be changed, naps to be had, dishes to be done.... and the list goes on. The temptation is to stay inside your house and just make it. Make it to...
The bedtime routine. For many babies it’s a critical component of successful sleep. Common steps include bathtime, reading books, singing songs, collecting the right blankets, turning on sound machines, rocking and snuggling. I often find myself either rushing through...
When my son was born almost 3 years ago he nursed almost immediately after delivery and did so for 15 months. When my daughter was born not even 2 years later she nursed almost immediately after delivery but hardly gained weight. But...
I am an early-rising morning person. I haven’t always been an early riser but since having kids I’ve learned a few things about myself- I need time alone, my soul needs to wake before my family, I need coffee...
Spring is the time that many new parents begin to think about what they want their children’s education to look like. As parents are enrolling all around, now is the time to start exploring and becoming familiar with all...
Since becoming a mom, my list of watched shows each week has dwindled down to a very small number. That doesn't mean I don't dream of binge watching tv in my sleep. It just means that my time to watch...

The Older I Get…

I’ve been jotting down some thoughts as I get older. Some are serious, some are silly, but they are all #truth.  So here we go! The Older I Get… The more I become like my mother.  Seriously.  I’m turning into her....



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