“Buddy, we have more milk.” “BUT I WANTED THAT MILK!!!!!!” This traumatic moment unfolded one morning this week. It is one of MANY similar conversations, and if your home is blessed with a three year old, the EXCESSIVE WHINING is also DRIVING....
The other day, I drove to my yearly dermatologist appointment—as with any kid-free appointment, it felt like somewhat of a vacation. On the way, the words for this post filled my head, and I couldn’t get them down on...
I'm going to kick this off by stating the obvious: parenting is hard. Any child, any parent – it's all hard. When you struggle with anxiety, it can be really hard. And when you start to realize that your child is...
When I stopped working on my master's degree a million years ago (okay, eight years ago...feels like the same thing when you factor in three kids), it was because I was in my first trimester with my first child...
Before I became a mom, I didn’t really think about breastfeeding. It was just one of those things that went with motherhood. I didn’t know there was so much controversy around it. Really, it’s surprising how much controversy and opinions surround...
I lamented this week about how if my youngest daughter could, she’d crawl back into my womb where she’d feel connected, warm and cozy once again. Of course, not possible, but this means I’m touched, grabbed, poked, and prodded...
If you think I'm here to preach the proper amounts of screen time and toddler-to-tablet ratios, you've got the wrong idea. Just the opposite, actually. I use television to entertain my 2.5 year old far beyond the "recommended" allowance...
I recently read a book called The Joy Plan, where the author encouraged readers to spend a few minutes a day dreaming. These dreams should be just that, dreams. Dreams for your life, your future, dreams involving your hopes, passions, and goals. But,...



AROUND Collin County

2024 Guide to VBS in Collin County

We're always on the lookout for things to do with kids during summer break. How about some affordable VBS?