In the history of parenting, the little white lie has always existed. They say that necessity is the mother of invention. And boy, have parents ever needed this. Because being a parent is hard, y'all. And sometimes, to be...
Getting kids to eat a balanced, healthy diet can be an uphill battle for many parents. Trying to fit veggies into our kids' meals is an almost impossible feat. But I've discovered a few simple and creative methods for...
I think we've all had our fair share of "lessons" that 2020 has taught us, whether we wanted them or not. While I've had plenty of serious realizations myself, I've also discovered quite a few on the ridiculous side....
When we announced that we were pregnant with triplets there was a wide spectrum of different reactions. Some people’s responses were supportive and talked about how blessed we are, others were focused on the negative; on how hard it...
Who’s excited that fall is here?  Well, sort-of "here".  I mean, eventually it WILL turn cold outside which means we get to rock our blanket scarves while sipping on our yummy coffee in a seasonally themed cup.  And for...
I have happily given away toys, clothes and things to my neighbors. I have also happily received things I needed like kids hangers, book shelves and kids sports equipment.
Exercising the senses often times in yoga and mindfulness, even therapy is referred to as GROUNDING. Of course barefoot walks, meditation, journaling, deep belly breathing all can help ground us as adults, but we sometimes need to be a...
Are you moving to Fairview? This is for you. Do you live here and are just looking for something new to do? This guide to Fairview is also for you! We moved to the Oakwood Estates neighborhood of Fairview...



AROUND Collin County

Save the Date: May Kid-Friendly Events in Collin County

Looking for fun things to do with kids this month? Have a look at our round-up of family-friendly May events in Plano, Frisco, McKinney, and more.