Living a more eco-conscious lifestyle doesn’t have to be daunting or difficult. Here are 7 ways to lead a more sustainable lifestyle that’s simple to make.  We only have one planet and it’s important to take care of it, now...
One thing I hope to do as a mom is encourage a love of reading in my home. It is for sure a hobby of mine, and obviously an important and necessary skill for everyone. So many lessons can...
I love hosting the holidays—there’s nothing better than opening our home to friends and family and enjoying delicious food and fellowship. However, I know it can also feel overwhelming to be in charge of preparing a large meal, cleaning...
Summer is in full swing! When the temperature is at an all-time high, I barely want to turn on my oven or stand over a hot stove. So, summer salads are my go-to. I’ve rounded up a list of...
When it comes to gift giving, my husband is AMAZING. He comes through with the big-ticket items (like my Cricut that I’m obsessed with) AND the grand gestures (like a movie I had talked about loving growing up but...
Appreciating moments...As mothers, we are told to savor the time ad nauseam. "It goes so fast." "Enjoy every moment." "Babies don't keep." We tirelessly hear and feel all of those things but what does it mean to savor moments?...
It seems like this year keeps throwing us curve balls, and this holiday season is proving to be no different. With the rise in COVID-19 cases, and the addition of cold and flu season, I'm going into December with...
Somewhere around October most of us feel like we have the school day lunches under control. Then comes June. It's summer, and suddenly lunch is whatever we can scramble together. I don’t know why, but lunch is the hardest...



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